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当前位置: 首页 > 产品中心 > real_time_PCR > Itsi生物科学/蛋白质组分;富集试剂盒[ProFEK,K-0015]/20分析/K-0015-20
商品编号: K-0015-20
品牌: itsibio
市场价: ¥1380.00
美元价: 690.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 定量PCR
公司分类: real_time_PCR
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Biological samples contain a complex mixture of proteins, which in living cells are localized in the membrane, nucleus and/or cytoplasm. Therefore, to identify the proteins that are predominant in each region, it is necessary to reduce the complexity of the total protein lysate by fractionating the lysate into membrane, nuclear and cytosol fractions. Reduction in sample complexity is also important when the detection of protein(s) that occur at low concentrations in any of the regions is desired. An ideal method should be reproducible, simple, convenient and cost effective.

ITSI has a unique kit for fractionation and enrichment of proteins found in the nuclear, cytosol and membrane regions. The ITSIPrep ProFEK (K-0015) Protein Fraction and Enrichment Kit (ProFEK) provides a validated, fast, and cost-effective method to fractionate and enrich for membrane, cytosol, and nuclear proteins without ultra centrifugation. The optimized reagents and procedure provided with the kit allow for reproducible results and identification of unique region associated proteins. The extracted membrane, nuclear, and/or cytoplasmic protein fractions can be analyzed by mass spectrometry, SDS-PAGE (Fig 1), 2D-PAGE, 2D-DIGE (Fig 2), and western blotting.

Fig 1: 1D-PAGE gel image of chicken heart protein lysate fractionated with ITSIPrep ProFEK kit into Nuclear (lane 1), Cytosol (lane 2) and Membrane (lane 3) protein fractions. A and B represent protein fractions obtained with 1x and 2x volume of solvent respectively, MWW is molecular weight marker and WT is Whole (unfractionated) tissue lysate.

Benefits of using the ITSIPrep Protein Fractionation and Enrichment Kits:

– Lowest cost/sample for selective enrichment of nuclear, cytosol and membrane proteins– No ultra centrifugation required– Reproducible results– Easy-to-follow protocol

Fig 2: Images showing proteins from human tissue lysate fractionated with ITSIPrep ProFEK kit to concentrate Nuclear, Cytosol and Membrane proteins prior to analysis by 2D-DIGE

Each Kit contains optimized reagents and consumables including:

  • ProFEK Buffer 1
  • ProFEK Buffer 2
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  • ProFEK Buffer 3
  • Disposable Pestle/Tube for sample homogenization
  • Standard protocol

K-0015-20 (20 Assays) – $69.00

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ITSI-Biosciences LLC由具有广泛学术和行业经验的资深科学家于2004年成立,提供生物科学DNA测试和蛋白质测试服务,以支持法医学,生物医学研究,蛋白质组学和基因组学。我们支持政府机构,例如司法部,食品和药物管理局,国立卫生研究院,美国农业部,能源部和国防部以及制药公司和大学。 凭借40多年的综合经验和可用的最新技术,我们可以从最困难的人类和非人类标本中提取DNA和蛋白质,并以目前可能的最全面方式分析DNA和蛋白质。通过提供DNA和蛋白质水平的测试,我们的法医学部门可以对组织样本或生物污渍进行个性化处理,并明确识别污渍的来源。